Many years ago Marla and I visited an amazing village while touring in East Bali. The village is called Tenganan. The villagers are known as the “Bali Aga people” and are the original aboriginal inhabitants of Bali. They were living in Bali long before the ancestors of most of today’s Balinese arrived as part of Hindu Javanese waves of migration. The village is famous for intricate weavings and basket making.

In 2019 we were fortunate to return to this magical place with our grandchildren, Paxton and Logan.

Our wonderful guide shows us his home in the village.

Very little has changed over the centuries. I love the sounds of their roosters.

Our guide took great care in telling us about the special and unique traditions of his village.

He shows us a Balinese offering. “Canang sari” are offerings placed in a woven bamboo container and include rice, flowers, incense, sweets, fruits, spices and sometimes a cigarette. This is an offering to the Gods, as a gesture of gratitude.

This was a big surprise!

We met…”Lady Gaga.”

What a beauty! We had to wear a sarong with a colorful sash to show respect in the village.

I think she like me!

This is a poster for an future coming-of-age ritual in the village. “Perang Pandan” is a unique age-old tradition found only in Tenganan. “Perang Pandan” is a mass coming-of-age ritual, dedicated to the Hindu god of war and the sky, Indra. It sees friendly duels between young male villagers, who fight with each other armed with a small rattan shield in one hand and a tied packet of thorny pandan leaves in the other.

This video does a great job showing this very unique Balinese event!

Having spent most of my working life in the decorative fabric arena I was entranced by the vibrant beauty of their hand-weavings.

I could hear the sound of the hand-loom nearby.

Tenganan Village is known for their “double-ikat” weavings. Only a few places on the entire planet weave this special style cloth.

She shows us a few things she has for sale.

Paxton and Logan talk about purchasing some ikat weavings.

Marla and I decided on this “single-ikat” hand weaving and the kids selected a weaving for their Mom

Settling the bill.


Ancient traditions.

This guy thinks he’s the boss!

Special masks carvings for sale in the village.

Photos: Dick Gentry. Not to be used without permission.

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