Spring in the Bay Area is often beautiful with really pleasant weather and foothills filled with wild flowers. We rented an AIRBNB near Alamo with our good college friend, Lea, and explored the wonderful areas nearby. We stocked up for our picnic at the amazing Diablo Foods in nearby Lafayette. The market has an almost cult following and is a true treat! It was a short drive through Moraga west toward the Oakland foothills to our destination, Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park. Lea, always prepared, set up a table for our delicious picnic.

We were visited by a large Pacific Gopher snake.

Ahhh, spring in the park.

We began a hike in the shade of fantastic redwood trees.

We loved the verdant carpets of redwood sorrel.

A beautiful bloom.

Walking in the redwoods is a spiritual experience for me.

The path.

A very happy lady!

We have spent many years visiting the Walnut Creek area, but were amazed at all their open space parks. I found a new entrance to the Shell Ridge Open Space to explore. I used to hunt for fossils in this area when I was in middle school.

The hills were covered in California Poppies and the view of Mount Diable fabulous! It was like the plein air paintings my great grandfather used to paint around the turn of the century.

I just love this area and spring is the best time for explorations.

While looking down on the trail what did I spot? Of course….ancient fossils.

So beautiful!

A natural bouquet.

We can’t wait to return.

Another day we stopped at the Sugarloaf Open Space, very close to our Alamo rental. The park has numerous pieces of old farming equipment.

We nearly had the whole open space just to ourselves!

Intensely green! In the summer, these hills will change to light brown!

Another perfect afternoon hike.

We drove with Lea across the Bay to Lands End. This has been an iconic destination for our family since before the 1900’s.

The parking lot is always jammed but we lucked out and found a spot. The trails pass majestic cypress trees.

The Pacific ocean far below.

Marin County looms in the distance in the upper right.

The famous Cliff House above the ruins of Sutro Baths.

A path leads us closer.

An 1896 photo of Sutro Baths. I have 1896 letters from San Francisco mayor Adolph Sutro to my great-grandfather thanking him for his humidity and temperature readings. This was something he did for pleasure near the end of his life.

An 1896 poster of the Baths.

The winds were picking up and the waves becoming stronger!

An 2011 photo of Marla and grandson Paxton in the same area.

Lea and Marla head back up the hill in 2011.

With grandson Owen in 2016.

Grandchildren Logan and Paxton in 2017.

Logan and Paxton take one last look of this majestic and supremely beautiful place in 2017!

Photos: Dick Gentry. Not to be used without permission.

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