The ocean has fascinated me since I was a small boy. Mauna Lani’s Makaiwa Bay and the adjacent ancient fish ponds are perfect for experiencig the fish and birds of the region.

A view of the Mauna Lani Auberge Hotel from the Beach Club.

I watched a net fisherman looking for the perfect moment to throw his net.

The pathway by the ocean on the right and the fish ponds on the left. Marla and I walk this path twice a day and always look for beautiful fish and birds.

The Kalahuipua’a fishponds are some of the largest in the area, spanning over four acres.  They were once property of Kamehameha the Great given the amount of fish and quality of fish that were in the ponds.   In the late 1800s Samuel Park of the Parker Ranch empire purchased it and later sold it to Francis Brown.

These brackish ponds are fed and cleansed by fresh water springs seeping into them and the tidal action of the sea. By modifying them and managing them wisely, the prehistoric Hawaiians were able to raise a variety of fish in these ponds. ‘Ama’ama (mullet) and awa (milkfish) were the most commonly raised fish, but others such as papio (jack), kaku (barracuda/) and puhi (eels), as well as opae (shrimp) lived here. These ponds are among the few anywhere that are still being managed in much the same way as they were in ancient times. They are still producing fish.”

A large Moray Eel comes out of the water to grab a small crab on the rocks. You have to show them respect as they will bite humans.

I saw a number of beautiful pufferfish in the ponds.

The most unusual fish we saw in the ponds was “Flying Gurnard”. Their fins can spread out and look quite unusual. This is the first time I’ve ever seen one!

We spotted a large “Auku’u” or Balck Crowned Night Heron on a tree by the ponds.

A beautiful egret.

A heron near the ponds looking for a fish to catch.

These herons are wonderfully patient fisherman, standing very still for a fish.

I spotted a sea turtle.

It is easy to miss seeing a group of Yellow Tangs.

They are such beautiful fish. I spotted parrot fish, pufferfish, wrassess, and Tangs while snorkeling in the bay.

A sleeping turtle.

While at the Mauna Kea Resort, we spotted large manta rays attracted to the lights by the shore.

In 2016 we rented a house for 12 persons near the Maua Lani Beach Club.

In 2013 we were fortunate to have the whole family together at Mauna Lani.

The Twins in 2013.

Beach exploring in 2013.

Stacy’s family in 2013.

Lisa’s family in 2013.

Fun by the ponds.

The Twins having fun in 2016.

Photos: Dick Gentry. Not to be used without permission.

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