Watching the Presidential debate was painful! President Biden had difficulties and faltered at times. Trump was his usual overbearing and blustering self, constantly lying about his record. There was a sad lack of fact-checking by the commentators. What came as no surprise was how the candidates were judged after the debate. We are such superficial creatures, often with no care or knowledge of history or a President’s true accomplishments in our hyper-polarized political climate. The weeks and months ahead will be brutal. I will NOT vote for a narcissistic, unethical abuser of power. I don’t want a candidate who is a convicted felon and cheat! President Biden knows he has his work cut out for him, but if he can rebound, and I think he can, he can show the public the good things he has accomplished over the last 3 1/2 years.

I facetiously told Marla if Trump was reelected I would move to a small town on the French Riviera! Unfortunately, my French is terrible. Lately, my meager French vocabulary usually consists of words like “merde” or “spectacle de merde.” C’est la Vie! I pray that common sense will prevail no matter what!!!

All the chatter about the “age” of the candidates and about President Biden who I believe is actually more competent cognitively…actually shined a large mirror to…MYSELF! I know I am older and obviously don’t look, perform, or often feel like my 60, 50, or 20 year old self! Let us explore the topic a little.

This segment on “Redefining Old Age” was featured on CBS Sunday Morning this week, an eye-opener and really worth watching!

Of course I have more gray hair (and less of it), more wrinkles and age spots,…but I hope I bring more wisdom and experiential patina to the party. I am not naive to the fact that many Millenials, Gen Z’s, and Gen X’ers may not be interested at all in what this old guy is saying!

I listened to a review of the movie “Thelma” on NPR and watched it in the theater and loved it! The 94 year-old protangonist is totally kickass!

Watch the trailer!

Yes…I am not the same college kid on a date with Marla! (She has amazingly NOT changed a bit!)

I am not in the business arena anymore.

I am not as competitive as I used to be. That is probably a healthy thing!

As the years go by, I am a little weaker and slower! How could I not…yet I still think I could summit the “Coll de Soller”on Mallorca, just maybe with a rest stop or two. I do spend a bit more time looking at my heart rate when cycling today.

You couldn’t pay me enough to compete in an event like this. They don’t need more fatalities!

I still have a very inquisitive and adventurous nature. I just enjoy (and justify) more comfort and a little more luxury! I can’t believe this was me on my first buying trip to Northern Thailand 27 years ago.

I’m sure I can’t lift as much today! “Watch your back fella!”

Looking back at my 2 year-old self I see a few traits I still have at my age today; curiousity, a little feisty, independent, and…did somone say…“Cookie?”

Photos: mostly Dick Gentry. Not to beused without permission.

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