Lately I have been reflecting on a story which continues to bounce around my head. It is a drama, sometimes a comedy, and often an adventure. The story is about what I have learned…so far….on this “Rocky Road to Wisdom.” In a way, this rumination is a form of therapy as I reflect on my life. I will share a few of my story’s building blocks which form the person I am right now.

I begin each morning by reciting a personal mantra of gratitude, giving thanks to being alive in this wonderful moment.

No one in my story has influenced me as much as Marla. She embodies unique characteristics which have helped me evolve (a work in progress) and grow. She is a mosaic of disparate qualities; a healer, an elevated intellect, a woman with a great passion for truth and justice, and a heart full of love. Thank you for being on this life quest with me!

Sadly, my grandfather passed away when I was just 8 years old. I was devastated as he was such an important person in my life. I will always remember his soft voice telling me,…”Dickie,….always do the right thing!” I am blessed to have wonderful grandchildren and strive to be a helpful & loving influence in their lives.

I was once a teacher to our fabulous Girls….and today I am a student and am learning from them,….and their husbands! Thank you.

I often think about how my life unfolded from a serendipitous P.E. class as a freshman in high school. A teacher saw me run and said I needed to talk to Coach McGuire about joining the track team. Running track and the so important mentoring of “Coach Bob” opened up an opportunity to attend university. I was recruited by Cal, USC, UOP and Oregon,…though without a happy roll of the karmic dice I never would have met Marla at the University of The Pacific.

I am passionate about keeping my mind and body fit. It is a daily pursuit and activity which may appear a little obsessive but is something I must do!

I seek places which energize me and help raise my happiness meter. I love being near the sea and the negative ions are a superb elixir.

We all need to slow down…and savor special moments.

I love a quiet hike engulfed by the nurturing power of nature.

Travel changed everything for me! It was like a curtain raised and I experienced an almost spiritual awakening.

Among my great blessings in life I am very grateful for simpatico friends.

I try to look more closely at my surroundings and practice an enhanced way of seeing.

As a young man I was in such a hurry with people I would interact with. A clerk or a waiter was almost invisible. Years ago, observing the isolation of guest workers from Africa at a grocery in the mountains, I began a conversation with the checker. I could see a light of appreciation from being recognized as a person. That small connection led to a habit of beginning an interaction by asking…”How is your day, or evening going” at a store checkout or restaurant. I am amazed how many thank me for asking. This simple activity may seem second nature to you, though for me I began a new appreciation of the dignity of a worker and those who serve us.

“DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS.” The importance of this sentence today cannot be understated. I have a craving for vigorous journalism and try to expand my media bubble as much as possible. I would be embarrassed to show you my stack of magazines, clipped articles, and newspapers on a table in the family room. With so many newspapers and magazines going out of business I must give a giant “THANK YOU” to Jeff Bezos buying the Washington Post and Marc & Lynne Benioff for purchasing Time Magazine. The re-energized “Time” has become a MUST read for me!

I’ve always wanted to “Know what the Hell is going on!”, dig deeper and ask questions. I started early with Paxton and he has the same passion in getting to the story!

Among my many failings is dealing with people who have a very different worldview than me. This remains a work in progress.

Ok,…this therapy session is over. The constant I must continue to nurture is optimism. My story continues to unfold.

Photos: Dick Gentry. Not to be used without permission.

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