Our monumental election is almost here and the wait is excruciating! It goes without saying we will be praying and dreaming for a better tomorrow. November 3rd is election day but it is also my Mother’s birthday. She was a stalwart progressive and a counterbalance to my Dad’s extreme right-wing views. I briefly was a registered Republican but my views evolved as I traveled the world and really began immersing in the issues and problems affecting our country and our planet. Thank you Mom for your inspiration!

Marla’s political journey is fascinating as well. Her parents were both very conservative but the influence of Marla’s progressive aunt plus concerns about our environment were some of many catalysts in her evolution. Marla’s very strong sense of empathy and social justice are among her guiding principles. She has been a major inspiration in my development as well. We both continue to pray for a better tomorrow.

During these times we must engage in activities that magnify our spirits. Disengage from the noise and find moments of stillness. Go for a walk or ride your bike. Daydream. Enjoy the sight and sound of a bird singing, the feel of the sand, or a snowflake melting on your hand.

One of our important post-COVID wishes is to spend more time connecting in-person with our family. We truly miss talks and walks with our children and grandchildren.

Even in these dark times, we need to choose joy, positivity, and optimism. We all have our own quiet struggles but I know we will have a happier and more fulfilling tomorrow.

We must hope for a peaceful transition away from the present regime’s 4 years of hate, demonization, constant paranoia, lies, anti-science, and conspiracies. The road ahead will be very difficult as we have so much to rebuild. We must regain our collective generosity and care about others less fortunate, marginalized, or in pain. Positive and enlightened leadership along with activism, locally and globally, will help to regain safeguards for a healthier planet and re-engagement with global institutions,

Our actions now are really about providing a legacy for tomorrow. Something we all can feel proud of. They are counting on us. Please don’t let them down!

Photos: Dick Gentry. Not to be used without permission.

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